Program Options Overview
Modified on: Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 6:20 AM

- Clicking on the Program Options icon brings up the menu where you can configure the appearance and many options found in DM-780. Below is a brief description of each option.

- Program Options Menu
- Appearance: Select the theme and skins used for the main display
- Callsign (My Info): Enter information about your station used in macro tags and the My Station screens.
- Clock: Configure appearance and time format of the toolbar clock
- Logbook: Configures and connects DM-780 to Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook.
- Modes + IDs: Configure CW and RTTY Ports and setup RSID and Video ID
- PTT: Configure transmit Push To Talk options
- Radio: Configure appearance of the radio pane
- QSO: Configure appearance of the receive and transmit panes
- Soundcard: Configuration of the soundcard used by DM-780
- Sounds: Enable warning sounds used by DM-780
- Storage: Configure program and storage directories for DM-780
- SuperSweeper: Configure DM-780’s panoramic frequency monitor screen
- Waterfall: Configure DM-780’s waterfall appearance and options
- Alarms: Set and maintain alarms
- Favorites: Set up and maintain frequency/mode listings
- Macros: Access to the Macro Manager
- Modes: Create Modes toolbar on the waterfall display
- Navigator: Configuration for U.S. Interface Navigator
- Audio Recorder: Configure Ham Radio Deluxe audio recorder utility
- PSK Reporter: Configure PSK Propagation Reporter
- Soundcard Calibration: Calibrates soundcard for use in SSTV
- Time Synchronization: Adjust computer’s time to national time standards
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