You will need to go through a few steps to configure logbook.

The setup options for Logbook can be found under the Tools > Configure menu. This section of this manual will review each of these items in the Configure menu.



There are three options for changing the appearance of Logbook.

Logbook Window


In this tab, it is possible to configure the application's Font (style and size), colors, and default Time.
It is worth experimenting with these. For example, it is possible to alternate the colors in the logbook pane, making it easier to read. Those who wish to change the default time between UTC (GMT) and Local time can do so here.

Frequency Display


In this tab, it is possible to configure the background and text color of the frequency display, as well as the font style of the frequency.

Rotator Dial


In this tab, it is possible to configure the colors of the face, markings, and rim of the rotator display.

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