As of this writing (28-Mar 2023) we are in a release cycle that focuses on Logbook. That release will be the v6.9 release.

In the interim, operators who own a Yaesu FT-710 should use the FT-991A Profile.

The FT-991A and the FT-710 are an exact match for commands... except that there are three new commands for the AESS functions in the FT-710. We will literally copy the FT-991A, rename it to FT-710, and add three commands when we add the radio.

Later in 2024, we plan to move all radio profiles into files that live outside of code so that new radios can be added without the need of a software release.

Also do not forget to download and install the FT-710 USB drivers from the Yaesu Website before connecting the USB cable.