To connect the program to your rotator:

  • Make sure all cables are correctly inserted,
  • Start your computer,
  • Start this program
Select the correct rotator type from the Rotator dropdown:


If the rotator supports more than one protocol then a Protocol dropdown is displayed, if so select the correct protocol to be used. If in doubt consult the rotator handbook.
If a serial or parallel port is used to connect to the rotator then select the correct port from the Port dropdown.
The EA4TX/ARSWIN option communicates with EA4TX’s ARSWIN software using the DDE protocol – ARSWIN must be already be started.
Select the Refresh rate – how often the rotator controller is polled for the current status. Some controllers such as the IF-100 cannot provide this information, in which case the Refresh rate dropdown is not shown.


Finally press Connect. If you experience problems look in the Logfile window.

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